Introduction to Kinematics

Lesson 7 - Answers to Suggested Problems

by Jason Harlow

After you have had a chance to try the suggested end-of-chapter conceptual questions, problems and exercises, you can check your answers against mine below. (Please alert Jason Harlow if you notice any errors in the answers.)

Conceptual Questions [These start on page 118]
4. Path 1: displacement = 5.0 km, 40 degrees N of E.  Path 2: displacement = 5.0 km, 40 degrees N of E.

10. Any vertical vector has a zero horizontal component.  Also, any horizontal vector has a zero vertical component.

12. zero. zero.

Problems and Exercises [These start on page 121]
1. (a) 480 m. (b) 380 m, 18 degrees E of N.
3. Snorth = +3.2 km, Seast = +3.8 km
5. R = 19.5 m, 4.6 degrees south of west.
10. vA = 3.45 m/s, vB = 3.94 m/s.
22. D = 2.97 km, theta = 22 degrees