
YYC-Banff driving directions


Ask at the car rental desk for a local map and instructions to Banff. Most likely they will send you south on the Barlow Trail to the TransCanada Highway. Take the TransCanada west (turn right) through downtown Calgary and towards the mountains. For a simple street map of the area around the Calgary airport, see: Calgary airport area map .

Along the TransCanada, you will arrive at the entrance to the Banff National Park where you should buy a park pass. Alternatively, you can buy a pass at the Information Centre downtown.

There will be two exits off of the TransCanada into the town of Banff. We suggest that you take the second exit and head left into the town. You are now on Lynx Street. Turn left onto Wolf Street and drive to the end. Turn right and take St. Julien Road up the mountain to the Banff Centre. Please go to the Professional Development Centre (the first obvious place to stop on the left hand side). You can check-in at the front desk, and they will provide instructions on where to park while at the centre. For a local map, see: Banff street map .


Last modified: February 10th, 2001.