When off-resonant light passes through a material, it travels slower than it would in vacuum. This delay can be explained using the uncertainty principle: even when atoms are driven by light with a large detuning, δ, they can still be excited briefly, for a time on the order of 1/δ. This extra time spent as a non-propagating excitation is associated with the group delay. While this connection between group delay and the time a photon spends as an atomic excitation seems reasonable, it becomes problematic near atomic resonance, where the group delay turns negative.
To investigate this, I used the cross-Kerr effect to measure the degree of atomic excitation caused by a resonant transmitted photon, by observing the phase shift on a separate, weak, off-resonant beam. Across various pulse durations and optical depths, the results align with the recent theoretical prediction that the average atomic excitation time caused by a transmitted photon (measured via the time integral of the observed phase shift) equals the group delay. My findings confirm that the group delay is a physically meaningful quantity, not only indicating the position of the transmitted pulse but also accurately describing the magnitude—and sign—of the effect transmitted photons have on systems they interact with.
Final PhD Oral Exam - Daniela Angulo Murcillo
Can a photon spend a negative amount of time in an atom cloud?
Host: Boris Braverman