In the first part of the talk, I will present a study of an
interesting strongly coupled chiral quantum field theory. This theory
has the same particle content as the simplest grand unified theory of
the Standard Model. I will employ tools such as 't Hooft anomaly
matching and softly broken supersymmetry to analyze the
non-perturbative dynamics of the theory. In the second part, I will
focus on supersymmetric QCD with one more flavour than colour and
small soft SUSY breaking. I will show how the same techniques can
be used, and also explore the phase diagram of the theory with
a chemical potential. Finally I will speculate on the lessons that
can be drawn for non-supersymmetric QCD. Note that this is a
technical (and substantially different) version of the CAP lecture
I will give at York University and online on Feb 6.
New Results for Strongly Coupled Field Theories
Host: David Curtin