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Ferroelastics, frustrated antiferromagnets.


Research Papers Post-Docs Students

B.A.Sc., Toronto (1960); M.Sc., Waterloo (1962); Ph.D., Illinois (1968). Post-doctoral, Hamburg.


Many solid-state phase transformations involve shape changes. For example, with decreasing temperature a cubic system can distort and become tetragonal by contracting (or expanding) along any of the three cubic axes; the three low-temperature states, called variants, are the eqivalent of domains in ferromagnets. Ideally, only one variant would occur in a sample at low temperature, real materials, however, usually contain all possible variants, because of multiple nucleation events or external constraints (such as neighbouring grains in polycrystalline materials). To describe the walls between the variants in these inhomogeneous systems, I use nonlinear elasticity theory (an expansion of the energy in powers of the strains and their gradients). The optimal structure is found by minimizing the energy, subject to the constraints. An example is a square with fixed boundaries; energy would be gained if the square could distort to either of two rectangles, but it cannot. The question is then: how does a system which gains energy by changing its shape gain energy if its shape cannot change? The answer is that it forms both variants, separated by twin walls. Research in progress looks at twin walls and their intersections (with applications for example to twin walls in the in the celebrated 92K superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-delta) and the transformation front of the tegragonal -> orthorhombic transformation in a temperature gradient.

To see some simulations of ferroelastics, click here.

Frustrated antiferromagnets:

CsCuCl3 is one of a large family of compounds of interest in the theory of low-dimensional magnetism and frustrated systems; it is a ferromagnetically stacked, triangular antiferromagnet with an incommensurate state. Quantum and thermal fluctuations in CsCuCl3 have very large effects which cannot be explained by classical or mean-field theory; examples are the plateau in the incommensurate wavenumber as a function of magnetic field, and the new incommensurate phase recently discovered near the Neel temperature. The fluctuation effects are so large that they cannot be explained either by linear spin-wave theory; this leading quantum correction to classical theory gives even worse agreement with experiment. The fluctuations actually reconstruct the ground state, an effect apparently new with CsCuCl3. We have developed a phenomenological theory which successfully explains the major experimental results, in some cases quantitatively.

''Quantum fluctuations in the incommensurate phase of CsCuCl3 in a transverse magnetic field'', Tetsuro Nikuni and A.E. Jacobs, Physical Review B 57, 5205 (1998).

''Fluctuation-induced phase in CsCuCl3 in a transverse magnetic field: theory'', A.E. Jacobs and Tetsuro Nikuni, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10, 6405 (1998).

''Fluctuation-Induced Magnetic Order of RbFeCl3 in a Magnetic Field '', H. Shiba, T. Nikuni and A. E. Jacobs, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 69, 1484 (2000).

''Landau theory of structures in tetragonal-orthorhombic ferroelastics'', A. E. Jacobs, Physical Review B 61, 6587 (2000).

''Novel surface state in a class of incommensurate systems'', A. E. Jacobs, D. Mukamel and D. W. Allender, Physical Review E 61, 2753 (2000).

''Twin wall of proper cubic-tetragonal ferroelastics'', S. H. Curnoe and A. E. Jacobs, Physical Review B 62, R11925 (2000).

''Surface states in nearly modulated systems'', A. E. Jacobs, D. Mukamel and D. W. Allender, Physical Review E 62, 021704 (2000).

''Statics and dynamics of domain patterns in hexagonal-orthorhombic ferroelastics'', S. H. Curnoe and A. E. Jacobs, Physical Review B 63, 094110 (2000).

``Time evolution of tetragonal-orthorhombic ferroelastics'', S. H. Curnoe and A. E. Jacobs, Physical Review B 64, 064101 (2001).

``Magnetic structures of RbCuCl3 in a transverse field'', A. E. Jacobs and T. Nikuni, Physical Review B 65, 174405 (2002).

``Simulations of cubic-tetragonal ferroelastics'', A. E. Jacobs, S. H. Curnoe and R. C. Desai, Physical Review B 68, 224104 (2003).

``Landau theory of domain patterns in ferroelastics'', A. E. Jacobs, S. H. Curnoe and R. C. Desai, Materials Transactions , 45, 1054 (2004).

A. E. Jacobs, ``Testing the Theory of Domain Patterns in Ferroelastics Proceedings of the International Conference on Martensitic Transformations'', Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2008 pp 391-398.

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Allan E. Jacobs.