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2013 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

Winners of the 2013 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Vivian Britto

Student's Name:  Vivian Britto

Supervisor: Professor K. Burch

Project Title: Optical Properties of Topological Insulators

Oguzhan Can

Student's Name: Oguzhan Can

Supervisor: Dr. N. Krasnopolskaia

Project Title:  Improving experimental setup geometry and developing new software for processing x-ray spectra below 5 keV in X-Ray Fluorescence experiment in Advanced Physics Laboratory

Andrei Dranka

Student's Name: Andrei Dranka

Supervisor: Dr. N. Krasnopolskaia

Project Title: Study of onset conditions for granular patterns in media of different physical properties for the APL experiment GRAN

Deniz Jafari

Student's Name: Deniz Jafari

Supervisor:  Professor K. Burch

Project Title: Probing the properties of high temperature superconducting proximity devices

Ramanjit Sohal

Student's Name:  Ramanjit Sohal

Supervisor: Professor Y.-J. Kim

Project Title: Magnetism and superconductivity of iridate compounds

Xiao Wang

Student's Name: Xiao Wang

Supervisor: Professor D. Jones

Project Title: Understanding the impact of stratosphere-troposhere exchange on the circulation of the upper troposphere

Research, Mentorship, and Career Opportunities  SURF