Two images from the CUBE N-body simulation. (left) The overdensity field of dark matter, with arrows to indicate the correlation function. (right) The velocity field of the dark matter.

Large Scale Structure of the Universe

The positions of galaxies on the sky can give us clues about the story of the early universe. By harnessing N-body simulations, computational schemes involving many particles interacting via gravity, we can test-drive ideas for the current and next generation of galaxy surveys.


As you may have gathered, I am a doctoral candidate and researcher in cosmology, working on the large-scale structure. I am supervised by Dr. Ue-Li Pen at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophyics.

Besides my research, this website also features many other aspects and responsibilties of being a researcher and a physicist today. It is a given that any researcher is interested in feedback on their contributions to the scientific conversation, however I also want to emphasize that I am interested in feedback about education, outreach, and equity, diversity and inclusion as well, and how to integrate them into aspects of the communities I am part of.


Quick contact:

etyhurst (at)

This page was last updated June 2020. Changes implemented were a complete restructure to the website itself, but mostly to facilitate better categories and a more cohesive format overall.

External Links

About Emily

A photograph of Emily Tyhurst. Emily is a white woman with glasses. She is wearing a black hat and is outside in full sunlight.

Emily Tyhurst has been studying physics and mathematics since 2013. She completed her Bachelor of Science at the University of British Columbia in 2018. Emily is native to Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. Her hobbies and interests can be perused in the personal section of the website.