Django 1.9.x installation workshop

Development environment

  • python + virtualenv

  • django

  • postgresql

  • jupyter

  • git

  • nginx

  • uwsgi

  • foundation

  • node + npm
    • gulp
    • bower

Create virtualenv

Set up project with virtualenvwrapper.

Install virtualenvwrapper on linux/mac.

Install virtualenvwrapper-win on windows (not tested).


mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 pcs-django

Ro access your virtualenv, run:

workon pcs-django

Add the path to your project in the ”.project” file. now you can run commands like:


Install django in virtualenv with pip:

pip install django

Some optional apps which are quite useful are:

  • jupyter (ipython successor with notebook support)
  • django-extensions

To install run:

pip install jupyter
pip install django-extensions

Set up a django project


django-admin startproject someproj
cd someproj
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver

This will create a new project named “someproj” in the directory you are now located.

It is advisable to use the following in your projects

Static files setup

To serve “static” files add the following to the “” config file:

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')

Optional: You can also add a ‘media’ folder to hold your uploaded images and files:

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')

Collect the static files needed to run the app:

./ collectstatic

Restart the server:

./ runserver

In a browser, visit:


and login with the username and password you created with the createsuperuser command at project creation above. See Set up a django project.