NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) occurs when photons are resonantly absorbed and emitted by transitions between different energy levels of a nucleus in a magnetic field. NMR has applications ranging from fundamental physics to oil prospecting, and from quantum computers to medical imaging. NMR related Nobel Prizes include I.I. Rabi (Physics 1944), Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell (Physics 1952), Richard Ernst (Chemistry 1991), Kurt Wüthrich (Chemistry 2002), and Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield (Medicine 2003). The goals of this experiment are to explore basic NMR methods, measure the magnetic moment of the proton, and to use NMR to probe the environment of the protons in materials.

There are currently an old and a new NMR apparatus. The current write-up is for the old apparatus. The primary reference for students using the new apparatus is the TeachSpin manual.

Write-Up for old apparatus in PDF Format or Microsoft Word Format.

(The experiment is currently located in MP239; last write-up revisions: October 2014.)


Additional resources:

Photo of student working on older NMR Experiment.

3rd year undergraduate, Jaspreet Sidhu, working on older NMR apparatus

Photo of new NMR apparatus.

Newer NMR apparatus.