Proposed FCMII Discussion Topics:

1. What is relevance of Fermi surfaces to properties of correlated materials?
2. Can we reconcile the physicists' emphasis on Lindhard susceptibility with the chemists' emphasis on bonding?
3. Are there hot spots on the Fermi surface of 1-1-5 materials which dominate their physical properties?
4. Can the Fermi surface of 1-1-5 and other materials be treated as free electron like?
5. What insight can band structure or many-body theory provide on the connection between lattice structure and superconductivity in the 115 materials?
6. Why would superconductivity run in certain crystal structures?
7. Three foci of correlated electron physics are: heavy Fermions, cuprate superconductivity, and quantum criticality. To what extent is band structure determinant of these properties?
8. Given the large "fan" of non-Fermi liquid behavior above the quantum critical regime into classical land, how should one think about the QCP as organizing the phase diagram?
9. Is quantum criticality always coincident with Fermi surface topology change?
10. To what extent might a two-band description be needed for the cuprates (localized d-band electrons,conduction p-band electrons) in the pseudogap phase, despite the apparent success of the Zhang-Rice picture?
11. To what extent might a two-band description (localized f electrons,conduction s.p) electrons be needed for heavy electron materials to explain the coexistence of itinerant electrons and local moments, and superconductivity and antiferromagnetism?