Undergraduate Student Research Positions with the ATLAS Toronto Group in 2025


The University of Toronto ATLAS group has several summer student positions open to USRA recipients and other students for summer 2025. The group comprises six faculty members ( Ilic, Krieger, Orr, Savard, Teuscher and Trischuk), five postdoctoral fellows and about 15 graduate students.

The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, in Geneva Switzerland, is studying the very highest collision energies ever observed in the lab. The most exciting discovery to date has been the observation of a new particle at 125 GeV, with properties so consistent with the Standard Model Higgs boson that we claim it has been discovered! We are still analyzing the full dataset collected between 2016 and 2019 searching for new insights and discoveries. The current data collection period started in 2022, so we are starting to get new data, from the last couple of years, as well. Summer students will be working with us in projects involving data analysis and advanced instrumentation development. Perhaps something un-expected will emerge from the data-taking while you're looking!

Project topics and potential supervisors include:

We will consider applications from students not holding a USRA award, but USRA recipients are given priority. There may be some opportunity for some of these students to spend at least part of the summer at CERN, but that will depend on funding and the nature of the project.

For more information, contact the people listed above for each position.