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PHY1600H F
Effective Communication of Science

Official description

This course will provide the framework for the development of effective communication skills that will help you, as a scientist, throughout your careers. We will focus on the various ways one communicates to a diversity of audiences.
We will start off with a brief introduction to the philosophy of scientific reasoning and its distinction from other means of rationalizing natural phenomena. We will then proceed to looking at what constitutes effective writing, excellent presentations and pursuasive public speaking. Much of our focus will be on what is good scientific writing and what makes a great scientific presentation. These will be developed by practice and by receiving extensive feedback from classmates and the course instructor. The course will also introduce practices that will help you be more effective as a science communicator to a more general audience.

Note: PHY1600H is a credit/no-credit (CR/NCR) course. It may count toward the course requirements for an M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree in Physics. However, if both PHY1600H and PHY1610H are taken, then Ph.D. students must take an extra 0.5 FCE (half-course lecture) to satisfy program requirements.

course title
PHY1600H F
time and location
Lecture: Tue, 11am - 1pm, MP505
Thywissen, Joseph
Joseph Thywissen