Undergraduate Courses
Courses currently offered in the Undergraduate Program
Undergraduate Programs Overview
An overview of the undergraduate programs offered by the Department of Physics.
Health and Wellness
We receive similar types of questions about studying Physics at the University of Toronto, and have provided answers below for some that are the most frequently asked. Even if it doesn't exactly match a specific question, perhaps you'll still be able to find the answer helpful.
Programs and Courses (Academic Calendar)
Current Course Timetable (Timetable Builder)
Undergraduate Events and Conferences
Undergraduate Awards and Scholarships
In the Department of Physics, there are a number of ways we recognize student academic excellence. We have several undergraduate in-course awards and scholarships, most of which students are automatically considered for. Two of these scholarships: Momentum Builders Scholarship and Samuel Beatty In-Course Scholarship require an application.
Van Kranendonk TA Award Nomination
The Van Kranendonk Award is given every year to four graduate students who have done the best job as Teaching Assistants during the current year. It depends on nominations from undergraduate students like you.
This section contains forms related to physics courses and programs.