Recent Publications by UofT Department of Physics Research Faculty

Biological Physics
Biological Physics at the University of Toronto is broadly defined and focuses on problems at the interface of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Physics
The Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Physics (EAPP) group within the Department of Physics conducts research focused on global-scale physical processes in the Earth and planets including the interiors, oceans and atmospheres.

Experimental Particle Physics
Today's high-energy physics is the culmination of twenty-five centuries of searching for an understanding of the ultimate nature of matter. The University of Toronto has one of Canada's most active groups in elementary particle physics and relativity.

Physics Education

Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed matter physics is the branch of physics that studies the properties of the large collections of atoms that compose both ordinary and exotic materials.

Quantum Optics
The Quantum Optics cluster includes researchers working in the fields of AMO (atomic, molecular, and optical) physics, Quantum Information, Laser Science, Plasma Physics, and many-body physics.

Theoretical High Energy Physics

Afilliated Institutes and Research Organizations
This list contains select institutes and research groups affiliated to the Department of Physics

Recent Publications
Scopus Publication Feed by UofT Department of Physics Research Faculty

Postdoctoral Fellows
The Department of Physics is a vibrant, inclusive, and engaging community from which postdoctoral fellows can embark on their pursuit of scholarly excellence.