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Physics Library

Location - Hours - Staff


Physics Library
1st Floor, room 101B (temporary during renovation)
McLennan Physical Laboratories
60 St. George Street
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1A7

Library Hours

Monday to Friday, closed weekends

10am - 4pm

Library Closure for Renovation

Please note the library will be slowly closing down in June. We are closing for renovation that we anticipate to be completed around summer 2025.

There will be a temporary library space on the 1st floor of the McLennan building during this time. The entrance is a bright orange door with a sign, left to the MP102 doors.

Please forward any questions to the librarian at nu.lee [at] or

the general email physics.library [at]

Please review the Library health and safety information before coming on campus and to the library.

If you are in need of research assistance, please email the librarian, NuRee. Contact information can be found in the link below.


Physics Library

physics.library [at]


NuRee Lee
Physics Librarian

Pam Mann
