Quantum Field Theory II
Official description
This QFT2 course continues the study of quantum field theory started with PHY2403 (QFT1) into more advanced topics. Rough list of topics: - path integral formulation of quantum field theory - loops and renormalization - the renormalization group - non-abelian gauge theories - the Higgs mechanism - anomalies - effective field theory, effective potentials.
- Prerequisite
- - QFT1 (PHY2403) or equivalent, roughly corresponding to Peskin & Schroeder Ch 1-5. - QFT1 prerequisites: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of classical mechanics; Maxwell equations, energy and momentum of the electromagnetic fields, Lorentz invariance (special relativity and four vectors); Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, in particular, angular momentum theory will be relied upon.
- Textbook
['Textbooks:', '- Peskin & Schroeder, Introduction to Quantum Field theory', '- Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model (6th edition)']
- course title
- session
- winter
- group
- specialized course
- time and location
Mondays 11am-1pm and Fridays 11am-noon, MP1115
- Course URL
- instructor