Quantum Mechanics
Official description
- Review of Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Hilbert Spaces, Density Matrix - Quantum Dynamics
Evolution Operator, Heisenberg vs. Schrodinger Picture
WKB (Semi-classical) Approximation
Coherent States
Electron in a Magnetic Field - Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics
Parity, Time Reversal
Translation, Electron in a Periodic Potential, Bloch’s Theorem
Disordered Lattices and Localized States
Green’s Function Method - Perturbation Theory
Time-independent: Rayleigh-Schrodinger and Brillouin-Wigner series expansions
Time-dependent perturbation theory: Fermi’s Golden Rule, Absorption and Emission of Light from Atoms - Variational Methods
Electron in a Deformable Elastic Medium - Scattering Theory
Lippman-Schwinger Integral Equation
Partial Waves
S-matrix and T-matrix
- Textbook
J. J. Sakurai and Jim Napolitano, Modern Quantum Mechanics (3rd Edition)
Additional information
Grading: 5 problem sets worth 10% each; 1 final exam worth 50%
- course title
- session
- fall
- group
- general course
- time and location
Lecture: Mon and Wed, 1 pm, MP 1115
- instructor