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PHY2109 0.25 FCE
Special Topics in Physics - Nuclei

Official description

This half-term course is an introduction to the physics of atomic nuclei. The purpose of the course is to explore ways in which the techniques of quantum optics and atomic physics can be applied to the strongly-interacting fermion soup within a nucleus. The selection of topics covered in this seminar course will be idiosyncratic. Background preparation from PHY 2203/04 will be useful, but is not essential.

Additional information

Course start date: October 22

course title
PHY2109 0.25 FCE
quarter course (0.25 FCE credit)
time and location
lecture times: Tue and Thu 9:30am-11am, Start date: Oct 22 Location: MP1115
Vutha, Amar
Amar Vutha