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PHY2109H S 0.25FCE
Special Topics in Physics: Ultracold Atoms II

Official description

The second of the two special-topics courses offered this year on ultracold atoms will have an emphasis on strongly interacting fermions. We start with the scattering problem, to relate interaction strength to the scattering length. The scattering phase can be tuned using Feshbach resonance. We discuss how to generalize thermodynamics to isolated systems, and identify the contact parameter as the conjugate of the scattering length. We then discuss the Cooper problem and fermionic superfluidity. Time permitting, we discuss the Hubbard model and fermions in one dimension.

Additional information

Lectures will run for the first six weeks of the S term

course title
PHY2109H S 0.25FCE
quarter course (0.25 FCE credit)
time and location
Tue and Thu, 1pm-2:30pm, MP505
Thywissen, Joseph
Joseph Thywissen