The closing of the Rheic Ocean 280 million years ago brought together
the ancient landmasses of Laurussia and Gondwana to form the
supercontinent Pangea. This supercontinent then remained as one landmass
for around 100 million years, the effects of which are not well
understood. The sub-African mantle (the previous site of Pangea) has
evidence of warmer temperatures than its surroundings. Many geodynamic
studies have shown that this anomalous heat is the result of continental
material inhibiting heat flow from the surface (and thus insulating the
mantle). However, several processes unfold during the supercontinent
cycle, more than one of which might result in an elevation in
sub-continental mantle temperatures. In this presentation, I investigate
how different modelling methods can change the influence of continental
insulation effect. The evolution of mantle dynamics is examined after
continental accretion at subduction zones (e.g. the formation of Pangea)
for a variety of levels of convective vigour.