The internal loading theory of mantle convection uses seismologically derived inferences of mantle density heterogeneities to compute mantle flow dynamics. This theory has also been shown to be a suitable formalism within which geodynamic observables can be inverted to obtain an estimate of the 3-D mantle structure. I present a friendly introduction to this theory, and its application to the prediction of free-air gravity anomaly, dynamic surface topography and the core-mantle boundary topography. Based on an analysis of the predicted fields, I comment on the viability of different viscosity and seismic velocity to density conversion factor are examined. I will show that while the predictions of topography fields are quite good, the same cannot be said for the free-air anomaly whose sensitivity to the choices of the mantle viscosity profile and seismic conversion profile is well documented in the literature. I will conclude my talk with a discussion about my on-going projects and the direction in which I plan to take my research in the days ahead.