Starting in 2021, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will increase its operational energy, luminosity and number of interactions per collision. These conditions result in a factor of 10 more physics events, and up to 25% more overlapping processes in each event. This environment will make it difficult for the ATLAS trigger system to efficiently decide which data to store. This talk describes how a new hardware system, called the ATLAS Fast TracKer (FTK), will allow ATLAS to keep up with the demanding LHC conditions. Analyses that benefit from the FTK’s potential to improve b-jet and tau identification are discussed. These analyses have the potential to shed light on B-anomalies and gravity’s role in the Standard Model.
Readout upgrades that are aimed at improving electron and muon measurements are briefly discussed. Analyses that could benefit electron, muon, b-jet and tau identification include searches that address how neutrino masses and dark matter fit into the Standard Model.
Improving ATLAS Physics Potential with Upgrades
IPP Research Scientist seminar