In 1930 Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a possibly undetectable particle, the neutrino. It took physicists 26 years to finally detect these ghostly particles by using prolific neutrino sources and large sensitive detectors. Today the study of neutrinos is still an active area of research due to their peculiar properties, specifically their tendency to oscillate from one leptonic flavor to another as they propagate. Over long distances we can accurately model these neutrino oscillations using the three known neutrino flavors. The three-neutrino paradigm has been questioned due to a number of anomalous results from experiments at different scales studying oscillations at short-baselines. Liquid argon time-projection chambers (LArTPCs) offer us a scaleable detector technology that can make precision measurements of neutrino interactions to investigate these anomalies. MicroBooNE is the world’s first large-scale surface LArTPC to be placed in a neutrino beam and has begun taking data to shine a new light on these results. This talk will cover the measurements performed by the MicroBooNE collaboration to understand the detector and a first look at neutrino interactions.