Chiral superconducting states have attracted an enormous amount of interest in recent years, due both to their intrinsic novelty as well as their potential for quantum information processing. They break both parity and time-reversal sym-metries and have been predicted to harbour Majorana fermions in vortex cores and along their edges. A crucial challenge in the quest to find such states is identifying robust experimental probes of chirality. In this talk, I discuss an intrinsic, anomalous Hall effect that arises in multiband chiral superconductors. This effect arises from interband transitions involving time-reversal symmetry breaking chiral Cooper pairs. I will discuss the implications of this effect for the putative chiral p-wave superconductor, Sr2RuO4, and show that it can contribute significantly to Kerr rotation experiments. Since the magnitude of the effect depends on the structure of the order parameter across the bands, this result may also be used to distinguish between different models proposed for the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4.