It has recently been predicted that two-dimensional electron gases possess an anomalous transport regime outside of the traditional collisionless and hydrodynamic limit. This anomalous regime is marked by the appearance of an odd-even effect where deformations of the Fermi surface with odd-parity become long-lived in comparison to deformations with even-parity. The presence of these odd-parity modes can then affect the dynamics of transverse probes of the system like the shear viscosity. Although this effect was first predicted in the context of electron hydrodynamics, this effect is quite general for interacting Fermions and relies only on Pauli blocking at low temperatures. An important question to then ask is whether ultracold quantum gases can be used to verify this effect? In this talk I show how current experiments in harmonically trapped two-dimensional Fermi gases can indeed exhibit the odd-even effect and I explain how the odd-even effect can be detected by examining an experimentally relevant observable: the damping of the quadrupole mode.
Anomalous Transport in 2D Fermi Liquids: The odd-even effect and damping of the quadrupole mode in trapped atomic gases
Host: Joseph Thywissen