Diamond has been central to a number of new and exciting breakthroughs in quantum and biological science for the past several years. The underpinning feature of diamond that makes this possible is the ability to host bright and optically stable colour centres at room-temperature. Of the hundred or so optical defects in diamond, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre has attracted the most attention primarily for its photo-stability, spin polarised optical transition and long spin coherence time. By combining and exploiting each of these in different ways, landmark demonstrations have been made including single photon emission, spin qubits, magnetometry and bright fluorescent biolabels.
In the Quantum Materials and Applications lab (QMApp) at Macquarie University, Sydney, our focus is nanodiamond – from fabrication and processing, to applications. In this talk I will give an overview of our experimental capabilities including fabrication and measurement, and some recent results and possible applications.