Atomic gases
for the basis of a variety of devices in quantum technology. Exploiting
mature techniques of cooling, trapping and measuring the properties of
these gases through their interaction with
laser light, record sensitivities have been achieved in quantum sensing
based on these systems. In this talk, we will focus on magnetic field
sensing and its applications, in particular in biomedical imaging and
materials characterisation. On the microscopic
level, ultra cold atoms in the quantum degenerate state can help to
produce conductivity maps in devices based on thin films, e.g. graphene,
and percolating networks of nanowire, e.g. in transparent electrodes
for touch screens and solar cells. On a larger
scale, highest sensitivities while maintaining simplicity of setups can
be used to map faint fields stemming from neuronal activities in the
brain or elsewhere in the human body. An overview of the efforts at a
new laboratory at the University of Sussex, UK,
will be given in these and related areas.