The phase structure of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills with a compact dimension of size L is examined for any gauge group with a massive gaugino with periodic boundary conditions along the compact direction. For small L the theory becomes weakly coupled, allowing reliable semi-classical calculations to be performed. It is found for all simple Lie groups that a first order phase transition (both for groups with or without centre) occurs at some critical gluino mass (second order only for SU(2)). It is conjectured that there is a continuous connection, as the gaugino mass is varied, between this quantum zero temperature phase transition and the thermal deconfinement phase transition of pure Yang-Mills theory, even though both theories are quite different physically. The occurrence of deconfinement is, as in previous studies of SU(N) and G(2), due to the competition between monopole-instantons and magnetic and neutral bions: non self-dual exotic topological molecules. The transition is studied by examining traces of Polyakov loops and their two-point correlators near the transition point (the dependence on the theta-angle is determined as well). Recent and future lattice studies for other gauge groups can help elucidate this conjectured continuity and tell us much about the thermal deconfinement phase transition in general QCD-like theories.