Tunnelling is one of the phenomena at the heart of quantum
mechanics. Despite its central role in physics, the duration of
the tunnelling process has been debated since the development of
quantum theory without a definite answer. Ultracold atoms
provide an ideal platform to address this question due to their
isolation from the external environment, the ability to create
almost arbitrary potentials for the atoms, and the
millisecond-level timescales which are convenient to probe in
the lab.
In this talk, I will present the results of our tunnelling
time experiment, which consists of a Bose-Einstein condensate in
a one-dimensional waveguide impinging on a micron-size barrier.
As the atoms tunnel through this thin optical potential, each of
their spins acts as a “clock” to record the time spent in the
barrier region through the Larmor precession induced by a
pseudo-magnetic field. The precession angle is found by
performing tomography on the spin state of the tunnelling atoms.
With the knowledge of the Larmor frequency and the rotation
angles, we find a traversal time of 0.65(7) ms and study its
dependence on incident energy. Our experiment achieves a
long-sought tunnelling time measurement with a clear
interpretation, and the results show good quantitative agreement
with theory based on the weak measurement formalism.