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PHY1485H S (FAS PHY485H)
Laser Physics

Official description

This course covers a broad range of advanced topics in classical optics, with the laser as a unifying theme. Topics include atom-photon interactions (absorption, radiation, and stimulated emission), how a laser works (gain, pumping, rate equation models, threshold, and gain clamping), optical resonators (their spectrum, finesse, stability, and transverse modes), propagation of Gaussian beams and paraxial rays, and the statistics of optical fields (spatial and temporal coherence). Time permitting, pulse propagation and pulsed lasers will be discussed.

This cross listed course is offered at together with PHY485F. For course schedule please see: Laser Physics

                            Several reference texts plus course notes; see e.g., 
Laser Physics by Peter W. Milonni and Joseph H. Eberly (Wiley, 2010) (Available online UTLibraries), and course notes
course title
PHY1485H S (FAS PHY485H)
cross listed course
time and location
Lecture: Mon and Wed, 1-2pm, (MP 118);
Thywissen, Joseph
Joseph Thywissen