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Northern Experience Program underway

Expedition for Senior High School Students and Teachers (15 - 27 April 2009)
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Fifteen students and six teachers from across Canada were chosen to participate in a ten-day excursion to Resolute and Eureka, Nunavut and Yellowknife, Northwest Territories to learn about life in the high Arctic, the impacts of climate change and the research being done at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory in Eureka, Nunavut.

The students and teachers were chosen based on their entries in a nation-wide essay contest.  This program was run by the Canadian Network for Detection of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC) and funded through a grant from the Government of Canada International Polar Year program.  It was organized and executed by Tara Cunningham (CANDAC Outreach Coordinator), Prof. Kaley Walker and Dr. Pierre Fogal (Research Associate).

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