Physics News
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Aephraim Steinberg, co-director of CIFAR’s Quantum Information Science Program, led a team that timed atoms’ mysterious quantum behaviour.
How long does it take to do the apparently impossible? Knowing might unlock better quantum computers and a deeper understanding of physics.
July 22, 2020
Proof-of-Principle Experimental Demonstration of Twin-Field Type Quantum Key Distribution
The groups of Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo (U of T Physics and ECE) and Professor Li Qian (ECE) collaborated on an experiment on Long-Haul Quantum Key Distribution. This work was featured in Physical Review Letters and was selected as the editor's suggestion!
Sept. 12, 2019
2019 William T. Pecora Team Award
Professor Emeritus James R. Drummond is a member of the Terra satellite team which received the 2019 William T. Pecora Team Award in early October.
Nov. 4, 2019
Visualizing Poiseuille flow of hydrodynamic electrons
In a theory-experiment collaboration, Professor Thomas Scaffidi and colleagues observed for the first time a completely new regime of transport in which the electrons behave like a viscous fluid, flowing down the wire. The story was also featured in a News and Views in Nature.
Dec. 11, 2019
Celebrating the Cray Inc. Fellowships in Physics
On October 1st, former and current Cray Inc. Fellows gathered at the Faculty Club to celebrate more than ten years of fellowships at U of T.
Oct. 21, 2019
Professor Stephen Morris Builds an Outdoor Icicle Machine
Professor Morris was featured on the CBC on Jan 28, 2020 for building an outdoor icicle machine in the backyard of artist Ron Wild.
Jan. 29, 2020
Professor Aephraim Steinberg Explains Quantum Mechanics to Macleans Magazine
Department of Physics Professor Steinberg was interviewed by Macleans magazine this month.
Jan. 13, 2020
U of T Physics Professor Debra Wunch Elected as the Next Chair of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
TCCON is a network of ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometers that record the spectra of the sun in the near-infrared. Data from the spectra measure the abundance of gases such as CO2, CH4, N2O, HF, CO, H2O, and HDO in the atmosphere.
Feb. 26, 2020
A Toronto startup with roots at U of T hopes to catch the next big wave in computing
More than a dozen physicists at Xanadu have links with the Department of Physics. Some are former graduate students, undergraduate students, or postdoctoral fellows. Others are current graduate students involved in Xanadu’s research. And Professor John Sipe is one of the company’s technical advisors.
Feb. 27, 2020
Professor Paramekanti and collaborators discover new octupolar magnets
Magnetic solids derive their properties from the magnetic dipole moment of the electrons in the crystal. However, when many electrons interact, they can lead to new types of ordering arising from higher-rank multipole moments.
Feb. 28, 2020
Theory of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Spectroscopy for the Kitaev Spin Liquid
Mr Wonjune Choi and his Ph.D. supervisor Prof Yong Baek Kim proposed a new two-dimensional non-linear spectroscopy method for unambiguous detection of fractionalized particles in quantum spin liquids.
April 3, 2020
Do Neutrinos Crack Nature’s Mirror?
Emeritus Professor John Martin, former professor Hiro Tanaka (now at Stanford) and his senior UofT PhD student Trevor Towstego are among the nearly 500 authors of a Nature paper from the T2K experiment published today, which presents results giving the strongest constraint yet on the so-called CP phase governing the breaking of symmetry between matter and antimatter in neutrino oscillations
April 15, 2020
The Science and Art of Song
In collaboration with Dr. Harlow’s “Physics of Music” class, the Physics Department hosted the Cornell University Chorus in March 2019 for a public concert and informal physics event called the Science and Art of Song, facilitated by Dr. Sealfon.
May 5, 2020
Announcing the Natalia Krasnopolskaia Memorial Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The Physics Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program has been renamed as the “Natalia Krasnopolskaia Memorial Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship” to honour Lecturer Natalia Krasnopolskaia (July 16, 1955 - January 30, 2020).
June 8, 2020
Octupolar Art
Image made by graduate student Sreekar Voleti highlighted in Physical Review B.
May 21, 2020
Why isn’t there nothing in the universe? Physicists are one step closer to an answer
In a paper published in the journal Nature earlier this year, a team of physicists reported the best evidence yet for an asymmetry between neutrinos and anti-neutrinos that could explain our matter-dominated universe.
June 9, 2020
2019-2020 Loudon-Hines Gold Medal and Scholarship in Physics
The Loudon-Hines Gold Medal and Scholarship in Physics was established in 2018 through the generosity of two anonymous donors.
The 2019-2020 recipient is: Celina Pasiecznik
June 25, 2020
U of T Physics professor Pierre Savard among those named new Canada Research Chairs
In an announcement made at U of T, Kirsty Duncan, the federal science minister, revealed the university will be home to 21 new and renewed chairs as a result of the program’s most recent competition
Nov. 15, 2018
Professor Pekka Sinervo Named to the Order of Canada
Pekka Sinervo was named to the Order of Canada for his contributions to particle physics and for his groundbreaking research in the study of heavier quarks.
Jan. 10, 2019
Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo and his collaborators have developed a prototype for a key element for all-photonic quantum repeaters
Engineering researchers have demonstrated proof-of-principle for a device that could serve as the backbone of a future quantum Internet. University of Toronto Engineering professor Hoi-Kwong Lo and his collaborators have developed a prototype for a key element for all-photonic quantum repeaters, a critical step in long-distance quantum communication.
Jan. 30, 2019
Professor Dick Peltier is the 2019 Recipient of the IUGG Gold Medal
Professor Dick Peltier is the 2019 Recipient of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Gold Medal
Feb. 5, 2019
David Curtin - on the hunt for particles that escaped the Large Hadron Collider
A University of Toronto theoretical physicist on the hunt for hidden particles that could solve cosmic mysteries hopes Canada will go all in on a particle-detection project – one that could put Toronto at the nexus of world-leading research.
Feb. 26, 2019
Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWiP) January 17-19, 2020
The Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWiP) is an annual conference that has been running since 2014. This year, it was hosted here at the University of Toronto from January 17-19, gathering participants from all over Canada. With 130 registered delegates, the conference bustled with physics undergraduates of all genders participating in the various panels, lectures, and workshops offered.
Feb. 26, 2020
Magnetic Field Induced Quantum Phases in a Tensor Network Study of Kitaev Magnets
In a recent published article in Nature Communication, a team of researchers from University of Tokyo and University of Toronto led by Prof Yong Baek Kim reported the discovery of a novel quantum ground state in theoretical models designed for the so-called Kitaev magnets in external magnetic field.
April 3, 2020
PhD student Erik Lutsch tracks wildfire impact at the top of the world
The work of Erik Lutsch and his colleagues was featured on the Canadian Geographic website.
March 25, 2019
Aephraim Steinberg among U of T researchers leading CIFAR interdisciplinary research programs
U of T News featured an article on April 29/2019 that includes our Aephraim Steinberg for his work on Quantum Information Science.
May 1, 2019
PhD student Jacob Gordon has Developed a Microscopic Model for Non-Abelian Anyons in Solid-State Materials
Elementary excitations in highly entangled states such as quantum spin liquids may exhibit exotic statistics, different from those obeyed by fundamental bosons and fermions.
June 10, 2019
Graduate Student Tyler Wizenberg featured in Otago Daily Times
Department of Physics graduate student Tyler Wizenberg was one of 53 representatives attending the 2019 Joint NDACC-IRWG and TCCON meeting.
June 10, 2019
University College London collaborates with the Department of Physics to understand transport machinery in cells
University College London and Toronto researchers are collaborating to inform better therapies for illnesses such as motor neurone disease and cancer and to identify anti-viral therapies
July 3, 2019
Professors Kimberly Strong and Paul Kushner interviewed in the Globe and Mail
Canada lacks an adequate funding model for climate science.
July 3, 2019
Rashmi C. Desai Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who
Dr. Desai has been endorsed by Marquis Who's Who as a leader in physics and higher education
July 8, 2019
Improv-PHYS-ation: Cultivating Physics Learning Communities
U of T Physics Professor Carolyn Sealfon and colleague build classroom communities where students flourish.
July 8, 2019
Turning water into ice in the quantum realm
When you pop a tray of water into the freezer, you get ice cubes. Now, researchers from the University of Toronto and the University of Colorado Boulder have achieved a similar transition using clouds of ultracold atoms.
Aug. 16, 2019
The 2017 CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal is awarded to Yong-Baek Kim
The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) is pleased to announce that the 2017 CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal is awarded to Yong Baek Kim, University of Toronto, for his leading work on the effects of large spin-orbit coupling on exotic ground states in geometrically frustrated and highly correlated quantum materials.
May 1, 2017
Is the Force with Us? Our Professor Aephraim Steinberg helps explain in Through the Wormhole!
Professor Steinberg was filmed for a segment in season 8, episode 1 of Through the Wormhole. A show on the Discovery Channel that is hosted by Morgan Freeman.
May 12, 2017
U of T Physics Climate Change Scientists Fight to Save PEARL
Without funding, atmospheric research station at Eureka, Nunavut, set to be mothballed in the spring
Sept. 26, 2017
UofT theorist David Curtin featured in "Quanta Magazine"
The world’s most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, has failed to find any of the hoped-for particles that would lead physicists beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. But it’s possible that the LHC has been producing such pivotal new particles all along, and that we’re just not seeing them.
Sept. 27, 2017
Personality types and student performance in an introductory physics course
Jason J. B. Harlow, David M. Harrison, Andrew Meyertholen, and Brian Wilson from UofT Physics and Michael Justason from McMaster have published this study in the "Physical Review Physics Education Research" magazine. Personality type is correlated with student performance in an introductory physics course.
Oct. 30, 2017
Luyi Yang named Canada Research Chair in Ultrafast Dynamics of Quantum Materials
Twenty U of T scholars, whose expertise ranges from the neural basis of music recognition to Indigenous methodologies, were named new Canada Research Chairs by the federal government this fall.
Nov. 14, 2017
Malcolm Graham Donation of Works on Physics
Last year Professor Emeritus Malcolm Graham donated his collection of works on Physics to the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.
Jan. 3, 2018
Professor Sajeev John Appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada
Jan. 5, 2018
Unseen Toronto: Hidden Technologies
Filmed at U of T Physics! Watch it here.
Feb. 8, 2018
Amar Vutha - Recipient of the 2018 Sloan Fellowship
The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.
These two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions to their field. The 2018 Sloan Research Fellows will receive fellowships in the amount of $65,000.
Feb. 16, 2018
'Heroic calculation': Prof. Peltier on using new supercomputer to shed light on how oceans behave
To break in Canada’s newest, most powerful research supercomputer, the University of Toronto’s Richard Peltier is running a “heroic calculation” – one that is expected to shed new light on how the world’s oceans physically function.
March 7, 2018
Cultural Collisions: Science Engagement Through the Arts
You always wanted to know what particle physics looks like if you combine it with art? You are curious about the work and lives of physicists? Then this is the place to go!
April 5, 2018
Killam Research Fellowship Awarded to Prof. Yong-Baek Kim
Prof. Yong-Baek Kim of the Department of Physics has been awarded a Killam Research Fellowship from the Canada Council of the Arts.
May 9, 2018
QCrypt 2018 Student Paper Award recipient is UofT Physics graduate student Wenyuan Wang
Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo’s PhD student, (Mike) Wenyuan Wang, won the Best Student Paper Award at the QCrypt conference (August 27-31, 2018) - the largest scientific conference in quantum cryptography.
Sept. 4, 2018
Gravitational waves detected for 1st time by LIGO and U of T astrophysicists
Gravitational waves, ripples in space-time predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity 100 years ago, have finally been detected.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves. We did it," announced Dave Reitze, executive director of the U.S.-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) at a news conference Thursday morning.
Scientists said gravitational waves open a door for a new way to observe the universe and gain knowledge about enigmatic objects like black holes and neutron stars. By studying gravitational waves they also hope to gain insight into the nature of the very early universe, which has remained mysterious.
Feb. 16, 2016
Researchers demonstrate 'quantum surrealism'
New research demonstrates that particles at the quantum level can in fact be seen as behaving something like billiard balls rolling along a table, and not merely as the probabilistic smears that the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics suggests. But there's a catch - the tracks the particles follow do not always behave as one would expect from "realistic" trajectories, but often in a fashion that has been termed "surrealistic."
Feb. 22, 2016
Steven Schramm recipient of 2015 ATLAS Thesis Award
ATLAS Thesis Awards Committee is pleased to announce the four winners of the 2015 ATLAS Thesis Awards
for outstanding contributions to ATLAS in the context of a Ph.D. thesis.
Feb. 19, 2016
The Effect of El Nino on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide - new research made possible by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
A NASA satellite has found another thing to blame on El Nino — a recent record high increase of carbon dioxide in the air.
The super-sized El Nino a couple of years ago led to an increase of 3 billion tons of carbon in the air, most from tropical land areas. The El Nino made it more difficult for plants to suck up man-made carbon emissions and sparked fires that released more carbon into the atmosphere.
Oct. 13, 2017
2016 CAP University Prize Exam Results
U of T takes 2nd, 7th and 10th of the top 10 Spots in Canada!
April 18, 2016
2016 CAP Particle Physics Division (PPD) Thesis Award Recipient
The 2016 CAP Particle Physics Division (PPD) Thesis Award Recipient is former U of T Physics graduate student Patrick de Perio
May 4, 2016
Prof. Thywissen's Group Discovers New Laws Governing the “Developmental Biology of Materials”
When one atom first meets another, the precise nature of that interaction can determine much about what kinds of physical properties and behaviours will emerge.
In a paper published today in Nature Physics, a team led by U of T physicist Joseph Thywissen reported their discovery of a new set of rules related to one particular type of atomic-pair interaction. The researchers study interactions between atoms that have been cooled close to absolute zero.
Feb. 23, 2016
Professor A.W. Peet on Planet ArtSci Episode 11
Professor A.W. Peet on Planet ArtSci Episode 11: How Lego Batman explains String Theory
May 9, 2016
3rd Annual Emeritus Reunion Lunch!
The 3rd Annual Emeritus Reunion Lunch was held on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at the Faculty Club
May 19, 2016
Canada's Minister of Science greets T2K during visit to Japan
Canadian and Japanese collaborators present the Belle II and T2K experiments, tour the KEK Experimental Hall, and officially open the TRIUMF/KEK office with Dr. Duncan
May 24, 2016
T2K Presents First Comparison of Neutrino and Antineutrino Oscillations
University of Toronto physicists are key participants in findings reported by the T2K collaboration on a comparison of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations. Such comparisons between particles and their antiparticle counterparts are sensitive to violation of “CP symmetry”, differences in the behavior of matter and antimatter.
Aug. 8, 2016
A new heart for ATLAS - with help from Professors Richard Teuscher and Robert Orr
The world’s largest, most powerful, and most famous particle accelerator is getting a new heart, thanks to a collaboration between our very own Professors Richard Teuscher and Robert Orr and the Canadian arm of global manufacturer Celestica Inc.
Oct. 27, 2016
New Federal Funding for the Canadian Contribution to the LHC Upgrade
University of Toronto Physics Professor Peter Krieger was part of the recent announcement of federal funding for a Canadian contribution to the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. This announcement was made in Vancouver on June 25 by the Minister of Science, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan.
June 29, 2018
Global warming research: strong storms to become stronger, weak storms to become weaker
A study led by atmospheric physicists at the University of Toronto finds that global warming will not lead to an overall increasingly stormy atmosphere, a topic debated by scientists for decades.
Instead, strong storms will become stronger while weak storms become weaker, and the cumulative result of the number of storms will remain unchanged.
Jan. 30, 2015
Compressed-format compared to regular-format in a first-year university physics course
Jason Harlow, David Harrison and Eli Honig compared student performance in two sessions of a large first-year university physics course, one with a normal 12-week term and the other with a compressed 6-week term. Student performance was measured by the normalized gain on the Force Concept Inventory. They found that the gains for the regular-format course are better than the gains for the compressed-format course, and while the differences in gains are small they are statistically significant. Not accounted for are the differences in effectiveness of the different instructors in the two versions of the course.
Feb. 24, 2015
Professor Stephen Morris' Icicle Atlas featured in the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star
Rejoice icicle lovers. Dr. Freeze has delivered his magnum opus.
For the record, Stephen Morris, a professor of physics at the University of Toronto, does not call himself Dr. Freeze. But by his own admission, he is obsessed with icicles. He has observed them in the environment and grown them in his lab. He has accumulated thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of icicles forming under different conditions.
March 3, 2015
Prof. Pierre Savard receives the 2015 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Contributions to Subatomic Physics
March 10, 2015
Prof. John Martin receives the 2015 CAP Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Physics
March 10, 2015
Mr. Yige Chen under the supervision of Prof. Hae-Young Kee has identified a new class of metal in Iridium oxides. Read all about it in Nature Communications
We used to think that different phases such as liquid, solid, and magnets are classified by broken symmetries, however, it was recently found that distinct phases without any broken symmetry are found due to their non-trivial topological nature.
March 17, 2015
Professor R J Dwayne Miller Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize 2016
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) awarded Professor Dwayne Miller (Professor of Physics and Chemistry at U of T) the RSC Centenary Prize 2016 for his contributions to the development of femtosecond electron diffraction to realize the first atomic movies of chemical reactions and for his service to making science inspiring to the general public.
May 10, 2016
2015 CAP University Prize Exam Results
U of T takes 1st, 7th, 8th and 9th of the top 10 Spots in Canada!
April 14, 2015
Quantum cryptography at the speed of light
Department of Physics Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo in collaboration with Dr. Azuma and Dr. Tamaki of the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation in Japan design first all-photonic repeaters
April 15, 2015
Jake Klamka who did his Masters and Undergraduate degree at U of T Physics mentioned in Nature
Industry allure: PhD holders with quantitative skills are landing posts at technology companies.
April 20, 2015
Effective student teams for collaborative learning in an introductory university physics course
In this study publised by Physical Review Physics Education Research Jason Harlow, David Harrison, and Andrew Meyertholen studied the types of student teams that are most effective for collaborative learning in a large freshman university physics course.
June 17, 2016
U of T Physics Rises to the WxChallenge
Congratulations to members of our Department for their achievements during this year's WxChallenge weather forecast competition.
April 27, 2015
What’s the easiest tool to explain the most complex ideas in physics? Lego
Professor A.W. Peet featured in the National Post on May 6, 2015 in advance of her lecture at the Perimeter Institute.
May 7, 2015
Prof. Hoi Kwong Lo and Prof. Joyce Poon show a quantum key distribution experiment with a silicon chip transmitter for the first time.
The work demonstrates the potential of using silicon photonics to dramatically lower the cost of quantum key distribution and bring it to the mass market in future.
Oct. 31, 2016
UofT Physicist selected as part of team to lead major marine Arctic ecosystem study
The University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM), as a part of the Stantec Team, has been selected by an interagency scientific review panel to lead a long-term scientific study of the Arctic marine ecosystem along the Beaufort Sea shelf from Barrow, Alaska to the Mackenzie River delta in Canadian waters. The Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES) stems from increased attention to climate change, energy development, and sustainability in the Arctic region. Information gained will aid government, industry, and communities in making decisions related to regulations, resource management, economic development and environmental protection issues.
Nov. 26, 2014
Toronto researchers part of international team that caught neutrinos in the act
TRIUMF, a Canadian laboratory for nuclear and particle physics that works in partnership with York University and University of Toronto, announced a new breakthrough in understanding neutrinos -- nature's most elusive particles.
July 23, 2013
Project directed by Professor Kenneth Burch to receive CREATE funding.
Hundreds of U of T students and postdoctoral fellows will benefit from $6.6 million in funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council’s CREATE program, which trains the next generation of researchers to tackle Canada’s most pressing scientific challenges.
Aug. 15, 2013
Quantum Cryptography Is Safe Again
In theory, so-called quantum cryptography provides a totally secure way of sending information. In practice, maybe not. But now physicists have demonstrated how to close a technological loophole that could have left secrets open to eavesdroppers.
Sept. 3, 2013
Water impurities key to an icicle’s ripples
A group of physicists from Canada have been growing their own icicles in a lab in the hope of solving a mystery that has, up until now, continued to puzzle scientists.
Oct. 10, 2013
Climate tracking experiment celebrates 10 years
Scientists, industry and government representatives gathered at the University of Toronto recently for the 10-year anniversary of the successful Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment known as ACE.
Nov. 7, 2013
New Physics Startup in Quantum Security
The company is called QKD Corp. and is based on the theory research of Dr Weedbrook and the experimental work of Dr Xing.
Nov. 25, 2013
UofT Physics Member wins 2013 Polanyi Prize
J. Patrick Clancy is one of the two UofT winners of the esteemed Polanyi Prize in 2013.
Nov. 28, 2013
Ultracold atoms go chiral
This article by Prof. Arun Paramekanti and collaborators was just published in "Nature Communications"
Feb. 4, 2014
Suwa Award Honours T2K Team
The J-PARC Neutrino Beam Group, which includes the Canadian T2K collaborators, has been honoured with the 2013 Suwa Award in recognition of their contribution to the development of high-energy accelerator science.
Feb. 26, 2014
Reporting from the Arctic: measuring ozone, tracking satellites, hiking fiords
Dan Weaver is a graduate student at the University of Toronto whose research takes him to PEARL, the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory on Ellesmere Island, near Eureka, Nunavut.
March 3, 2014
Reporting from the Arctic: the science behind the mission
What kind of work takes a PhD candidate from U of T's physics department to an experimental lab at the northern edge of Canada? Start with climate, ozone depletion, atmospheric dynamics, and air quality.
March 6, 2014
Reporting from the Arctic: a typical day in Eureka
Dan Weaver is a graduate student at the University of Toronto whose research takes him to PEARL, the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory on Ellesmere Island, near Eureka, Nunavut.
March 11, 2014
Reporting from the Arctic: the science behind the mission
Dan Weaver on climate change, ozone and the magic of sunlight
March 12, 2014
Sajeev John wins Killam Prize for pioneering photonics research
One of Canada’s most prestigious scholarly awards, the Killam Prize recognizes outstanding career achievement by scholars actively engaged in research. It is administered by the Canada Council for the Arts and comes with a $100,000 prize.
April 9, 2014
UofT students take 3 top ten placements for the CAP University Prize Exam
May 7, 2013
Large Hadron Collider & the ‘God Particle’: Six creators, one Nobel Prize
Dec. 5, 2011
World science community abuzz as latest Higgs boson results announced
U of T physicists play key role in one of the most important quests of the decade
Dec. 14, 2011
The secret lives of photons revealed
Dec. 16, 2011
Arctic mystery: What killed the ozone, and will it strike again?
Jan. 3, 2012
Physics World reveals its top 10 breakthroughs for 2011
Dec. 16, 2011
Dr Kenneth Burch awarded the 2012 Lee Osheroff Richardson North American Science Prize.
Feb. 13, 2012
Dick Peltier leads the pack with the Herzberg Gold Medal
Feb. 27, 2012
U of T-led Research Team Discovers New Quantum Encryption Method to Foil Hackers
April 2, 2012
The 2012 CAP Medal for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics is awarded to Dr. David Harrison
April 26, 2012
Prof. Joshua Milstein to receive Connaught New Researcher Award
May 11, 2012
University of Toronto plays key role in Higgs boson discovery
On July 4th, scientists are expected to announce the existence of the Higgs boson, after years of research at the $10-billion Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
July 4, 2012
Was Einstein wrong about our universe?
Experiments show neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light
Dec. 5, 2011
New American Physical Society Fellows: Stephen Julian, Yong-Baek Kim, Stephen Morris
Nov. 29, 2012
Prof. Kim Strong to Direct New School of the Environment
The School of the Environment was established in July 2012 to leverage the enormous breadth and depth of environmental teaching and research expertise within the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Jan. 15, 2013
'God particle' hints possibly found
Hadron collider experiment teases at Higgs boson particle existence
Dec. 13, 2011
TRIUMF Seeks New Director
May 22, 2006
William Trischuk Becomes Fellow of the American Physical Society
Dec. 20, 2010
Northern Experience Program underway
Expedition for Senior High School Students and Teachers (15 - 27 April 2009)
April 24, 2009
Ryan Vilim wins Outstanding Student Paper Award
Presents at the American Geophysical Union's Spring Joint Assembly
Nov. 4, 2009
Laser Cooling Tuned to the UV
Jan. 4, 2012
Unprecedented Arctic ozone loss occurred last winter
U of T physicists play key role in international study
Oct. 5, 2011
Physicists on verge of solving neutrino mystery
Early findings may explain why the Universe contains matter but no anti-matter
June 15, 2011
Kenneth Burch Wins Early Research Award
MRI ERA Awards 2011
Aug. 17, 2011
UofT students take top 3 spots on CAP prize exam!
March 26, 2012
Pierre Savard “Scientist of the Year 2012” named by Radio Canada
University of Toronto physicist Pierre Savard has been named Radio-Canada’s 2012 Scientist of the Year for his remarkable contribution, along with other Canadian scientists on the ATLAS experiment team, to the discovery of the Higgs boson particle in July of 2012.
Jan. 23, 2013
Two outstanding staff awards in Physics
We are pleased to learn that two members of the Department have been selected this year as recipients of Dean’s Outstanding Staff awards.
Feb. 21, 2013
Pioneering physicist Richard Peltier wins Killam Prize
University of Toronto physicist Dick Peltier is the winner of one of five 2013 Killam Prizes, given in honour of his career achievement in science.
April 5, 2013
Spontaneous spin Hall effect of ultracold atoms
Moving charges get deflected by a magnetic field, an effect which underlies such applications
as isotope separation and the quantum Hall effect which fixes the International standard
for electrical resistance.
Oct. 21, 2014
‘Spintronics’ discovery could lead to better electronic devices
Scientists have discovered that interactions in certain quantum materials could naturally produce the effects needed for ultra-efficient computers and other electronics.The field of spintronics — a short form of spin transport electronics — seeks to understand and power electronic devices using the quantum property known as electron spin rather than an electron’s charge. Spintronics could lead to efficient circuits and electrical devices that do not waste energy through friction and heat.
Nov. 10, 2014
Cracking mud, freezing dirt, and breaking rocks
Ordered crack patterns are so common in nature that they are often overlooked. From tile-like formations in ordinary mud, to the vast polygonal networks that stretch across the polar deserts of Earth and Mars, they are typical features in geomorphology. On smaller scales, crack networks add an artistic flourish to Japanese raku pottery and are found on the paintings of the old masters. Cracking even determines the pattern of scales on the snouts of Nile crocodiles.
Nov. 3, 2014
Solving the mystery of increased hydrogen chloride in the Northern Hemisphere
University of Toronto physicist Kaley Walker has helped solve the scientific mystery behind the recent increase in ozone-depleting chemicals in the lower stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere, despite a 25-year old ban on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Employing data from various sources, including the Canadian Space Agency's SCISAT satellite, an international team of scientists used numerical simulations to determine that the recently observed increase in hydrogen chloride (HCl) in the lower stratosphere is due to reduced atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere.
Nov. 11, 2014
Retreating sea ice could mean a colder Europe
Professor G.W.K. Moore and his colleagues in Great Britain, Norway and the United States have published a paper in raising awareness of the fact that retreating sea ice in the Iceland and Greenland seas may be changing the circulation of warm and cold water in the Atlantic Ocean and could ultimately affect the climate in Europe.
June 30, 2015
New CIFAR research program co-directed by R.J. Dwayne Miller and Oliver P. Ernst advertised in The Globe and Mail.
July 7, 2015
Written in Light - Interview with Aephraim Steinberg
Do you remember tin can telephones? You and a friend would each be holding an empty can, connected by a string stretched out tightly. You could speak to one another, with the string carrying the sound waves from one end to the other.
Aug. 19, 2015
Climate Change: One of the Grand Challenge Problems in All of Science - Interview with Dick Peltier
Usually the problem of climate change is solely described as the increase in temperature since the beginning of the industrialization of the Northern Hemisphere. People discuss the impact of rising temperatures on the Arctic, but how does climate change affect us on a regional scale, where we actually live?
Aug. 27, 2015
Prof. Hirohisa Tanaka and Prof. John Martin Share Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
University of Toronto physicists are on two of the five teams receiving the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics tonight for major insights into the deepest questions of the Universe.
Nov. 9, 2015
2015 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Canadian Arthur McDonald
Arthur McDonald, a professor emeritus at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont., is the co-winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in physics. McDonald will share the prize with Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo.
Oct. 6, 2015
Fingerprinting: quantum beats classical
Researchers demonstrate the first quantum fingerprinting system that transmits less information than the best known classical protocol.
Oct. 28, 2015
Certainty with complex scientific research an unachievable goal: U of T study by David Bailey
Physics professor says study can help researchers better analyze their data and encourage more realistic expectations by both scientists and the public about the accuracy of scientific research
Jan. 23, 2017
U of T Physics alumni shortlisted in the CSA's astronaut selection process!
U of T Physics alumni continue to do great things. 3 graduates are among the 72 candidates shortlisted for the Canadian Space Agency's astronaut selection program.
Feb. 2, 2017
Graduate Student Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher among this year's NSERC award recipients
We go to the gym, count calories and take our vitamins — all in an effort to stay fit and avoid getting sick. But are we actually healthy? Our bodies are filled with bacteria and viruses that attack them, known as phages. Some of these tiny organisms float harmlessly along while others are ticking time bombs that could cause infections, diseases and even obesity. This microscopic community, called the “microbiome,” is unique to each person, and diversity and adaptation among bacteria and phages make it difficult to say for certain what a healthy microbiome looks like.
Feb. 7, 2017
U of T physicists discovered a way to increase the resolution of microscopes and telescopes
University of Toronto researchers have found a way to increase the resolution of microscopes and telescopes beyond long-accepted limitations by tapping into previously neglected properties of light.
Feb. 23, 2017
Ultracold atoms teach us about life on a neutron star
Fermi gases in the so-called unitary regime—where the diverging interactions between atoms make their thermodynamics universal—are an excellent test bed for an array of strongly interacting matter systems. Two places to find a unitary Fermi gas are in the crust of a neutron start, and in basement of McLennan.
May 22, 2014
U of T Physics Alumni Zen Mariani is now among 32 candidates shortlisted in the CSA's Astronaut Program
Zen Mariani was featured on CTV news on March 13, 2017 talking about his experiences during the selection process for the Astronaut Program.
March 15, 2017
Department of Physics Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
Department of Physics Professor Hoi-Kwong Lo has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) by the APS Council of Representatives at its September meeting upon the recommendation of the APS Division of Quantum Information (DQI).
Sept. 25, 2018
Former graduate student, Feihu Xu recognized by the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers.
Feihu Xu is a former graduate student of Professor Hoi Kwong Lo and he has been named a co-winner of the inaugural Outstanding Dissertation Award (ODA) by the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers.
April 10, 2017
Graduate Student Ilan Tzitrin's Figure Selected for Kaleidoscope
The Physical Review has selected a figure from Ilan's Tzitrin's paper to be part of their Kaleidoscope.
Oct. 11, 2018
Stratospheric Ballon Launch by Professor Kaley Walker's Group featured in the Timmins Daily Press
Scientists from Canada and France are hoping to launch this year’s first stratospheric balloon as early as Sunday from the Timmins stratospheric balloon base.
The gondola named the Canadian Atmospheric Laser Absorption Spectrometer Experiment Testbed (CALASET) from the University of Toronto will be launching first.
Aug. 22, 2019
Department of Physics Professor Hae-Young Kee has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
Department of Physics Professor Hae-Young Kee has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) by the APS Council of Representatives at its September meeting upon the recommendation of the APS Division of APS Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP).
Oct. 15, 2018
2018 Nobel Prize in Physics
Three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics. This includes Canadian Donna Strickland, the first woman to win the prize in 55 years! Professor Strickland won for work which came from her very first professional research publication, as a graduate student in the 1980s.
Oct. 2, 2018
Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland visits Professor Kimberly Strong's Lab
During a visit to U of T to announce the NSERC awards to support research at U of T, Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland stopped by Professor Kimberly Strong's Lab.
Sept. 3, 2019
Unraveling the Proton Puzzle - Professor Vutha's work featured in Science Magazine
Sept. 6, 2019
Stratospheric Optical Rubidium Clock Experiment
Grad students Shira Jackson and Kristen Cote successfully launched and remotely operated an atomic clock on a high altitude balloon, over the Labour Day Weekend. This atomic clock used an optical transition in rubidium atoms.
Sept. 6, 2019
Kimberly Strong named of the Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
U of T Physics Professor and Chair of the Department Kimberly Strong among 11 University of Toronto researchers named fellows of the prestigious Royal Society of Canada – considered a major achievement for scholars in this country.
Sept. 11, 2019
Unveiling hidden multipolar orders with magnetostriction
Professor YB Kim's group theoretically propose that magnetostriction provides a powerful and novel tool to directly detect higher-order multipolar symmetry breaking. The paper was published today in Nature Communications.
Sept. 9, 2019
Celestica, CERN, and the University of Toronto Collaborate on Enabling Advanced Research for the Large Hadron Collider
Celestica Inc. (NYSE, TSX: CLS), a global leader in the delivery of end-to-end product lifecycle solutions, today announced that in collaboration with international researchers from the ATLAS experiment at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the University of Toronto, they have produced a radiation-hard sensor for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider.
Nov. 12, 2015
From Mars exploration to Earth conservation: alumni mentor Julius Lindsay helps physics students navigate career options
When asked how he developed an interest in physics, Faculty of Arts & Science alumnus Julius Lindsay laughs.
“I was — am— a big Star Trek and Star Wars nerd,” he says. “I’ve always been interested in math and science, but Grade 8 was a watershed year for me.”
July 15, 2020