Patrick's thesis title was "Joint Three-Flavour Oscillation Analysis of ν μ Disappearance and ν e Appearance in the T2K Neutrino Beam" and his supervisor was Professor John Martin. Patrick currently holds a postdoctoral fellowship from NSERC at Columbia University and is working on the XENON dark matter search experiment.
About the PPD Award
The Particle Physics Division (PPD) awards one PPD thesis award to a student who has received a Ph.D. degree in Experimental or Phenomenological Particle Physics from a Canadian University in the current calendar year.
The award consists of:
- 500$ from the PPD.
- Invitation to give a 30 min invited talk at the upcoming CAP Congress (sponsored by TRIUMF to a maximum cost of 1000$).
- Invitation to give a seminar at TRIUMF (sponsored by TRIUMF).
- Publication of a two-page summary of the thesis work in an issue of Physics in Canada .