Opportunities for Summer Students in Particle Physics
Our groups have a number of positions for summer students. Although we give preference to students holding NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Assistantships, we also take on additional students over the summer.
The ATLAS group offerings can be found here.
The SuperCDMS research group also has opportunities for undergraduate summer research. Please contact either Profs. Miriam Diamond, Ziqing Hong or Pekka Sinervo for details.
Opportunities for Graduate Studies in Particle Physics
The experimental particle physics group at the University of Toronto has a long tradition of training graduate students. Here we list some of the opportunities that are currently available in the group. Don't hesitate to contact any member of the group if you have any questions.
We have three experimental projects that are actively preparing to take data or are in main data-taking periods. The ATLAS group at Toronto is actively involved in all areas of analysis of the LHC data, including studies of the Higgs boson discovered in 2012. There are openings for students interested in masters and doctoral studies on ATLAS data and participation in upgrade projects for the upcoming data-taking periods at CERN.
TheSuperCDMS experiment is one of the world's leading dark matter search experiments that is located 2 km underground in SNOLAB, Canada's deep underground research laboratory. The experiment is currently in the middle of its construction phase and shortly will begin commissioning. The Toronto group is involved in all aspects of the experiment, with a focus on detector simulation, physics analysis, large-scale computation and detector development. The group has openings for undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
The T2K project is studying neutrino oscillations by measuring a beam of neturinos within a km of their production at an accelerator complex at Tokai (the "T") on the east cost of Japan and again several hundred km away in a large underground water Cerenkov detecto in the Kamioka mine (the "K") in the Japanese alps. Canadian collaborators, including the University of Toronto, are analysing the data from early running and tackling systematic uncertainties seen to further improve precision as data-taking continues through the end of the decade. More information on all the graduate student opportunities can be found in this flyer
A PhD in experimental particle physics provides and education in a wide range of disciplines. Experience is gained with a wide array of particle detectors, many of which find applications outside particle physics, for example in medical imaging. The data acquisition rates typically involve high speed, dedicated electronics and massive data transfer rates rivaled only by major telecommunications networks. The development of the world wide web was a spin-off from high energy physics research needs. Work on the international collaborations provides experience interacting in large groups of people.
To give prospective students a flavour of what they might be doing if they were to pursue a graduate degree in experimental particle physics we list our former students here.
Students interested in more information on applying to do a graduate degree in the physics department at the University of Toronto are encouraged to consult the department webpage .