Homepage: http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/~nicola/
Multiferroic magnetoelectrics are materials that are both ferromagnetic
and ferroelectric in the same phase. As a result they have a spontaneous
magnetization which can be switched by an applied magnetic field,
a spontaneous polarization which can be switched by an applied electric
field, and often some coupling between the two. Very few exist in nature,
or have been synthesized in the laboratory, but there is some incentive
to produce new multiferroics for technological applications.
In this talk we use the study of multiferroics to illustrate
the utility of theoretical and computational methods
in the design of new multifunctional materials.
First we determine the fundamental physics behind the scarcity of
ferromagnetic ferroelectric coexistence, and show that in general
transition metal d electrons, which are essential for magnetism,
reduce the tendency for off-center ferroelectric distortion. Then we
identify the chemistry behind the additional electronic or structural
driving forces that must be present for ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity
to occur simultaneously. Finally we describe the successful prediction and
subsequent synthesis of new multiferroic materials.
Hosts: John Wei and Young-June Kim