systems have been of tremendous interest both in physics and
engineering. Recent experimental breakthroughs in atomic, condensed
matter physics and optics have given birth to new paradigms for studying
out-of-equilibrium quantum systems. Understanding such phenomena
require an inter-disciplinary approach uniting ideas from these diverse
an isolated Bose gas, I will present a deep connection between the
Gross-Pitaevskii equation and Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of
stochastic dynamics [1]. In a different scenario, an ensemble of atoms
placed in a leaky optical cavity and pumped with a laser constitutes an
exotic light-matter open quantum system. I will describe the
non-equilibrium aspects close to an interesting phase transition in such
driven-dissipative systems [2]. I will also propose protocols to
prepare light-mediated entangled states [3] of matter by optimally
designing the laser and cavity in other hybrid light-matter systems. Our
work shows that far-from-equilibrium many-body physics is a rich field
where theory and experiments across several disciplines thrive
[1] M. Kulkarni , D. A. Huse, H. Spohn (2014) , M. Kulkarni , J. Stat. Phys (invited article, 2014), M. Kulkarni , A. Lamacraft, Phys. Rev. A 88 , 021603, Rapid Communication
[2] M.Kulkarni , B. Oztop and H. E. Tureci, Phys. Rev. Lett, 111 , 220408, M.Kulkarni , K. G. Makris and H. E. Tureci (2014)
[3] C. D. Aron, M. Kulkarni , H. E. Tureci, Phys Rev A (in press, 2014)