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Bose Condensation of Cavity Polaritons in Molecular Crystals: theory and experimental prospects

Polaritons are quasi-particles formed by the strong coupling between an atomic or molecular excitation and a photon. These entangled states behave as Bosons and it is possible to form Bose condensates at high enough density. Recent experiments on thin-film microcavities give evidence of Bose condensation of exciton- polariton states. Inspired by these observations, we consider the possibility that such exotic "half- light/half matter" states could be observed in thin-film organic semiconductors where the oscillator strength is generally stronger than in inorganic systems. Here we present a theoretical model and simulations of macroscopic exciton-polartiton condensates in anthracene thin films sandwiched within a micro-meter scale resonant cavity and establish criteria for the conditions under which BEC could be achieved in these systems.

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