In this talk I will discuss a
recent protocol we proposed to reverse a quantum many-body dynamical
process. We name it "many-body echo" because the underlying physics is
closely related to the spin echo effect in nuclear magnetic resonance
systems. The dynamic problem we consider is a periodical modulation of
the interaction strength in a weakly interacting Bose condensate, which
resonantly excites quasi-particles from the condensate. A dramatic
phenomenon is that, after pausing the interaction modulation for half a
period and then continuing on with the same modulation, nearly all the
excited quasi-particles in the resonance modes will be absorbed back
into the condensate. During the intermediate half period, the free
evolution introduces a π phase, which plays a role reminiscent of that
played by the π-pulse in the spin echo. Comparing our protocol with
another implemented by the Chicago group in a recent experiment (J. Hu
et al, Nat. Phys. 15, 785 (2019)), we find that ours is more effective
at reversing the many-body dynamic process. The difference between these
two schemes manifests the physical effect of the micro-motion in the
Floquet theory.