Quantum emulation is the technique of studying a quantum system that is interesting but hard to control by setting up a second, more controllable system to have the same dynamics and studying them there. Ultracold atoms in particular offer several strengths for this type of analog emulation. Not only can atoms be controlled to exquisite precision using a suite of tools and techniques developed over the past forty years, but unlike the electrons one often wishes to emulate, atoms are also easy to image. In this talk, I will describe our recent success in realizing a system of neutral bosonic atoms that behave like charged particles in an effective magnetic field of 4/3 Φ 0 per lattice site, a laboratory field that would be unthinkably large for electrons in any natural material. Using this system, we have probed the deep quantum Hall regime by directly imaging the bulk and edge eigenstates of the system and then also recording the actual motion of edge excitations as they execute chirally-oriented skipping orbits down an edge. I will then conclude by discussing part of my vision for the future: extending the reach of the ultracold atomic toolkit to include diatomic molecules and the study of ultracold dipolar physics.