To all new graduate students:
We know you're overwhelmed with different "start-of-term" events, not to mention the start of term itself, but the Quantum Optics group would like to invite all students who are considering graduate research in optics to come meet some of the quantum optics faculty in an informal setting, have a few drinks, and ask any questions you may have. Come along even if you are not certain about whether or not you will work in the QO group.
Have any questions about how or when to get involved in research? What career options past students in optics have followed? What courses you ought to be taking? What collaborative opportunities are available? What happens when you ply the faculty with drinks? All these questions and more can be answered. Let's meet at the statue of Newton in the physics lobby at 5:15pm, and walk over as a group; latecomers are welcome directly at L' Espresso Bar Mercurio, October 4, at 5:30 p.m.
Hoping to see you there,
The QO faculty:
(Virgis Barzda, Henry van Driel, Claudiu Gradinaru, Daniel James, Sajeev John, Hoi-Kwong Lo, Robin Marjoribanks, Dwayne Miller, John Sipe, Aephraim Steinberg, Joseph Thywissen)