Graduate students may dispute substantive or procedural academic matters, including grades, evaluation of comprehensive examinations and other program requirements, decisions about the student’s continuation in any program, or concerning any other decision with respect to the application of academic regulations and requirements to a student. Students must first attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor or other person whose ruling is in question. Should the matter not be resolved with the instructor, and should the student wish to pursue the matter, the student must discuss the matter with the Graduate Coordinator or Associate Chair of the Department. Should such discussions fail to resolve the matter, the student may then make a formal appeal in writing to the Chair of the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC). An overview of this process is described on the SGS web site here.
In the Department of Physics (following SGS guidelines), the GDACC has four graduate faculty members (one of whom is committee chair) and one graduate student member chosen by the graduate students in the Department. It also has the same number of Alternate Members, in case of unavailability or conflict of interest.
Primary Members:
- Prof. Sidhartha Goyal (Chair)
- Prof. Nicolas Grisouard
- Prof. William Trischuk
- Prof. Amar Vutha
- Jon-Paul Mastrogiacomo (graduate student representative)
Alternate Members:
- Prof. Young-Baek Kim (Alternate Chair)
- Prof. Qinya Liu
- Prof. Josh Milstein
- Prof. Erich Poppitz
- Michael Morris (graduate student representative)
The Secretary of the Physics GDACC is Krystyna Biel (contact information). Further information about the GDACC can be found on the SGS web site.