The BosonSampling Problem is to sample output photon-coincidence
probabilities given vacuum and single-photon inputs to a passive interferometer with more channels than photons. This problem is
classically hard to simulate as these probabilities are weighted by computationally hard permanents of sub-matrices of the interferometer
transition matrix yet efficient to execute quantumly. Our innovation [1,2] introduces distinguishability between photons by controlling
arrival times of otherwise identical photons in order to test the model, assess sampling errors and generalize BosonSampling beyond
permanent-weighted to immanant-weighted probabilities.
[1] S.-H. Tan, Y. Y. Gao, H. de Guise and B. C. Sanders, “SU(3) Quantum
Interferometry with single-photon input pulses”, Physical Review
Letters110 (11): 113603 (5 pp.), 12 March 2013, arXiv.org:1208.5677.
[2] H. de Guise, S.-H. Tan, I. P. Poulin and B. C. Sanders, “”Immanants for three-channel linear optical networks”, arXiv.org:1402.2391.