Quantum frequency conversion between superconducting (SC) microwave qubits and telecom optical photons is critical for long distance communication of networked SC quantum processors. While SC qubits operate at cryogenic temperatures to sustain their quantum coherence, converting them to the optical domain enables transferring the quantum states to room temperature and over long distances. For such a quantum state transduction process, several schemes have been investigated, including optomechanics, magnons, piezomechanics, and Pockels electro-optics (EO). The EO conversion approach is particularly attractive since it is broadband, low noise, mechanically and thermally stable (i.e. does not rely on freestanding structures), scalable (large scale integration of EO devices with superconducting circuits is possible), and tunable (e.g., using bias voltages). In this presentation we review our progress in electro-optic based quantum transduction on scalable nanophotonic platforms and discuss the promises and challenges.