Please note that only questions related to the technical maintenance of the physics website should be addressed to Julian Comanean .
For other questions related to the Physics Department go to the Contact Information page. You can also consult the members directory if you would like to contact a specific person in the department.
Important contacts for sections of the departmental web site:
General Section
News |
Supreet Randhawa,
Jennifer Pinker
Physics Directory, people info update
Jo-Anne Wurster
Health and Safety |
Jo-Anne Wurster
Education Section
Graduate Studies and Courses
Beata Kuszewska
Undergraduate Studies and Courses
Hala Larizza Ali
April Seeley
Research Section
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Physics
Dylan Jones
Fatima Ijaz
Crystal Liao
Experimental Particle Physics
Peter Krieger
Theoretical High Energy Physics
A.W. Peet
Condensed Matter Physics
Young-June Kim
Quantum Optics
Joseph Thywissen
Biological Physics
William Ryu
Services Section
Learning and Research Services
Arman Molki
Physics Computing Services
Stephen Butterworth
Julian Comanean
Physics Library
NuRee Lee
Physics Stores | Alex Cui |