Before the delivery of shipments from the USA or other countries, the University Broker (Import Customs services) will contact Physics Services for the assignment of a charge account. The consignee is immediately contacted and asked to supply the appropriate FIS account. If they cannot be found the shipment will be delayed. To avoid this problem there are several options:
With the Principal investigators prior approval, the FIS account currently in the stores data base can be supplied.
The consignee can inform Physics Services staff of any expected shipment and provide a specific account to be used.
Physics Services can by prior arrangement, if the consignee prefers, have Customs Import personnel to contact them directly.
For any purchase from any supplier please ensure that you instruct the supplier to indicate your name on the label and on the packing slip to avoid unnecessary delay.
Deliveries are made at various times during the day. Please note that for bulky or heavy shipments several people and special equipment may be required to unload from the truck and to deliver the package to the final location. This is the responsibility of the consignee.
In-coming packages are received by Services staff. They are first checked to ensure that they are in good condition. If there is obvious damage this is recorded on the waybill, specifically the location and extent of the damage, before the goods receipt is signed.
If the shipment is damaged, services staff will provide assistance in dealing with the problem or the consignee may handle it directly.
All in-coming goods are entered in a log book and the consignee informed by phone or e-mail, as soon as possible (A list of contacts for each laboratory should be provided to Services staff to minimize delay).
The owner of a shipment may collect the package any time during normal hours of operation and is required to sign the log book as proof of receipt. ) The waybills will be filed properly so when the invoice arrives it can be easily matched and assigned to the appropriate account.