Accuracy is important check the documents and addresses carefully. All packages must be taken to room 060 before 3:00p.m. if they are to be shipped on that day. Same day delivery service is available for Toronto and suburbs (typically: two – three hours) and for Ottawa six- eight hours.
- Pack and seal the package in an appropriate container to prevent damage.
- Ensure that the consignee’s complete address including postal code is clearly marked on the package.
- The sender’s NAME or that of the Principal Investigator should be placed in the left upper corner of the package or envelope. This is required for billing purposes and also for the case where the shipment is returned so that the sender can be noitified A.S.A.P
- For documents additional forms are not required.
- For parcels or envelopes within Canada simply provide the shipper with the description of the contents and the value. This is required by the courier and will determine the charge and in the event that the shipment is lost, stolen or damaged, the extent of any insurance claim.
- If the shipment contains computer equipment or equipment for INTERNATIONAL destinations, complete an EXPORT customs invoice and include the value of that shipment if it is less than $2,000.00 CAD. If the value is more than $2,000.00 complete the additional B-13 form.
These forms are available at the Physics Services Room 060. - Three copies of each form(s) and the package should be left with the shipping department.
- For a major city or suburbs in the USA shipment is next day delivery.
More remote, rural destinations delivery will usually be two to three days.
For other countries in the city and suburbs it will take three-four days and for remote destinations it may take five to ten days for delivery. - At any time you may verify the status of your shipment with the Physics Services Personnel