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BiophysTO Lunchtime Talks Past Events 2016 / 1

Jan 2016
midnight - 1 p.m.
Dr. Chris Bergevin
The Active Ear
The ear is a remarkable detector: It is both highly sensitive and selective, and operates over a large dynamic range spanning more than 12 orders of magnitude. Not only does it respond to sound, but emits it as well. These sounds, known as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), provide a means to probe the fundamental biophysics underlying transduction and amplification in the ear. This talk will describe the empirical nature of OAE data, as well as theoretical approaches describing the underlying biomechanics using coupled oscillators. While this modeling focuses on the auditory system, an underlying goal is to identify emergent behavior (e.g., phase coherence) that arises universally in qualitatively similar complex biological systems (e.g., neural networks).
Jan 2016
midnight - 1 p.m.
Davenport Room, 3rd Floor, 80 St. George Street
Dr. Ran Kafri
Hearing the shape of life: mathematical explorations of cell biology.
Hidden inside of a single individual living cell there exists a dynamical system of multiple, interrelated, chemical processes. Collectively, it is these dynamics and chemical interrelations that define life.

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