2006 | Dr. Syukuro Manabe |
2005 | Prof. Michael McIntyre |
2004 | Dr. Guy Brasseur |
2003 | Prof. Clive Rodgers |

2024 Noble Lectures
The 2024 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Eli Tziperman, from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University.

2023 Noble Lectures
The 2023 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Annmarie Eldering, from the National Institute of
Standards and Technology.

2022 Noble Lectures
The 2022 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Raffaele Ferrari, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

2021 Noble Lectures
The 2021 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Kristie Boering, from the University of California, Berkeley.

2019 Noble Lectures - "The Large-Scale Structure of Atmospheres and Oceans"
The 2019 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Geoffrey Vallis, from Department of Mathematics at the University of Exeter.

2017 Noble Lectures - "Topics in troposphere-stratosphere coupling"
The 2017 Noble Lectures will be given by Peter Haynes, from Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge .

2015 Noble Lectures - "Satellite Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Composition"
The 2015 Noble Lectures will be given by Pieternel Levelt, from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and University of Technology Delft (TUD).

2014 Noble Lectures - "Dynamics of the Oceans and Atmosphere"
The 2014 Noble Lectures will be given by Peter Rhines, from the University of Washington.

2013 Noble Lectures - "Five Tons a Year: Carbon dioxide in the Anthropocene"
The 2013 Noble Lectures will be given by Dr. Paul Wennberg, from the California Institute of Technology

2012 Noble Lectures - "General Circulation of the Atmosphere"
The 2013 Noble Lectures will be given by Dr. Paul Wennberg, from the California Institute of Technology

2011 Noble Lectures - "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics through the Lens of Ozone"
The 2011 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Anne M. Thompson, Professor of Meteorology, Penn State University.

2010 Noble Lectures - "New Worlds, New Climates"
The 2010 Noble Lectures will be given by Prof. Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, Louis Block Professor in Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago.

2009 Noble Lectures - "The Physics of Atmospheric Gas Measurements"
The 2014 Noble Lectures will be given by Dr. Kelly Chance, from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

2008 Noble Lectures - "The Global Atmosphere in Motion"
The 2008Noble Lectures were given by Dr. J. Michael Wallace Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington

2007 Noble Lectures - "Atmospheric Chemistry and the Remote Sensing of the Global Atmosphere"
The 2007 Noble Lectures will be given by Dr. John P. Burrows, Institute of Environmental Physics, IUP University of Bremen