Anne M. Thompson studies atmospheric composition with satellites, aircraft, surface data and balloons. In the 1980's she conducted some of the first modeling studies of the interaction of chemical and climate changes. Thompson's specialties include biogeochemical cycles, impacts of human activity (biomass burning, aviation) on the environment and dynamic processes affecting the tropopause region. Since 1998, Thompson has led the SHADOZ ozonesonde network for NASA and several IONS campaigns with Environment Canada. She is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society and a recipient of COSPAR's Nordberg Medal for Space Science. More information about Prof. Thompsom and her research interests is available on her website.
Lecture Schedule
The lectures will be given the week of April 11th, with a special Physics Colloquium on Monday, April 11th. They will focus on current topics in atmospheric physics and chemistry using observations of ozone and related species.

Strategic Ozonesonde Networks: Design and Scientific Accomplishments
Special Colloquium:
Dr. Anne M. Thompson
4pm Monday April 11th, Bahen Centre, room 1180
Reception to follow in MP110
11 am Tuesday April 12th, KP 108
Processes in the Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UT/LS) Observed in SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes)
11 am Wednesday April 13th, KP108
Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropics (I): Biomass Burning and Remote Sensing
11 am Thursday April 14th, KP 108
Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropics (II): "Paradox", El Niño, Emerging Megacities
11 am Friday April 15th, BA 1130
Forecasting Pollution: Models and the Value of Information