Student's Name: Mitchell Barrett
Supervisor: Professor Diana Valencia Cruz
Project Title: Modelling the Evolution of 55 Cancri e
Student's Name: Rica Cristina Cruz
Supervisor: Professor Debra Wunch
Project Title: Analyzing Methane Emissions in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area
Student's Name: Kehui (Grace) Li
Supervisor: Professor Natalia Krasnopolskaia
Project Title: Computer Simulation of Oscillating Systems and Localization Effects in 1-D Crystals
Student's Name: Lillian Yiyan Luo
Supervisor: Professor Robin Marjoribanks
Project Title: Development of LabVIEW Application for Spectra Collection
Student's Name: Michael Poon
Supervisor: Professor Nicolas Grisouard
Project Title: Neural Net Applications in Ocean Physics
Student's Name: Anthony Roitman
Supervisor: Professor Amar Vutha
Project Title: Analysis of Isotope Shifts in Cold Neodymium Plasma
Student's Name: Jingwen Zhu
Supervisor: Professor John Wei
Project Title: Hole-Doping Infinite-Layer CaCuO2 Thin Films with Interstitial Oxygen